Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Essay #2 Topic

The topic that I am going to for my research essay is the use of cell phones while driving and the new law in California that states it is illegal to drive while talking on a cell phone without a bluetooth headset.

I believe that there is plenty of information for me to right enough on my topic.

There has been plenty of information said about my topic. There are editorials from newspapers in California, and government documents from the debates in the state legislature.

This topic raises more questions throughout California and the entire United States. Should it become a federal law? What are the real reasons for making this law? Does it really stop people, and will law enforcement really enforce it?

It has been a big deal in California. People have spend an extra $75-$100 to buy bluetooth headsets. It doesn't sound like much, but some people might not want to spend this extra money if it is an unnecessary cost.

I am curious in this topic because I would like to find out some more information on if this is really as dangerous as the government says it is or are they just trying to confine the use of technology to us. It is also an incovinence for people because everyone talks on their cell phone when they are driving. For instance, I know businessmen are almost always on their phones when they are driving, talking to customers, or people back at their offices.