Thursday, March 6, 2008

Essay #3 Topic

This essay I will writing an ethnography. The group that I have decided to focus on is the student section at the University of Duke basketball games. They call themselves the Cameron Crazies. I have watched Duke basketball games, and I have always been fond of the student support that there is. I can observe their behaviors and chants by watching games, and getting aspects from other people who have been a part of it. Before, during, and after games they perform many rituals, and use their own terminology that they start and branch it out to other universities. The Cameron Crazies also have their artifacts, such as what they wear to the basketball games. This will be a great topic to research especially now that it is time for March Madness.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


My research was pretty easy to do. I had some trouble trying to find information from the TCU research online database, so I had to rely more on government websites and university studies. I have gotten a lot of statistics and research on the new driving law. The information that I have received so far is mainly just overview of the law and not much in depth information. Since my topic had to deal with more politics, I had to use the government sites to get this information. I also went to insurance websites to look at what they are saying about the new California driving law, and if it is working in the other four states. Overall, I have gotten a pretty good start on my essay, but I will still need to get some more information.