Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Believing to Write Well

In order to do well in anything, it requires that you believe in yourself. If you have a negative attitude toward something, you become closed minded and probably won't do well. I know this from playing sports. I have had games where I see my team not believing that we could beat a team, and sure enough we get pounded. On the other hand, I have beaten schools that our team believed that we could beat even though no one else did.

It is just the same as in writing, as long as you believe that you can write well most likely you will. I believe that I can write well if I started to get into writing more. It is difficult for me to sit down and write. I feel that there are so many other things that I would rather be doing, and I constantly push off my writing assignments to the last minute. I don't believe that I have ever sat down and wrote for fun unless you count instant messaging or text messaging. Writing has never been my strong point in school, but if I know that in order to change that, I need to start believing that I can write.

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